Coordination Architecture
Presidential Round Table (PRT) – It is a proposed engagement with the President and Head of Missions on development cooperation agenda in Kenya on issues that require higher level direct policy intervention as Head of State. The PRT resolutions and commitments will be cascaded down to the respective implementing Ministries, Departments and Agencies.
Development Partnership Forum (DPF) – The DPF provides a policy platform for dialogue on mutual areas of concern to both Government of Kenya and Development partners on Kenya’s recent economic and political developments to accelerate progress in attaining our Vision 2030 objectives. The platform is currently chaired by H.E the Deputy President, assisted by the Cabinet Secretary responsible for Finance and Co-chaired by Development Partners Leads.
Government Coordination Group (GCG) – provides a government only policy platform comprising of Principal Secretaries and chaired by Principal Secretary of National Treasury and Principal Secretary of State Department of Planning. This platform is convened by the National Treasury.
Development Partners Group (DPG) – This a Development Partners only policy platform and they convene monthly. It comprises of Ambassadors/ High Commissioners and Heads of Cooperation. Issues of concern are directed to the DPF or Development Effectiveness Group for further dialogue and necessary action by Government.
Development Effectiveness Group (DEG)– It is a monthly technical platform attracting Senior Government Officials, DPs at level of Heads/Deputy Heads of Cooperation, Council of Governors representatives, Private Sector, CSOs and Foundations. DEG discusses both operational and policy issues that affect effective development. Policy issues are forwarded to the DPF for further dialogue and policy direction. The platform is co-chaired by Director, Resource Mobilization Department and a DP Co-chair.
Joint Coordination Working Groups– It is a platform that ensures sector specific discussions in terms of agreeing on sector priorities, resource mobilization, budgeting, execution of programmes and addressing any challenges that may arise.
Development Effectiveness Secretariat (DES) – Supports all the groups by acting as Liaison office, shares official information with DPs and closely works with the DEG Co-chairs to convene the monthly meetings and joint forum.