Mandate & Functions

Mandate & Functions

The Investor Relations Unit (IRU) is domiciled under the Public Debt Management Office in the National Treasury. The IRU’s primary role is to establish and maintain active and regular contact with investors, creditors, financial intermediaries and credit rating agencies.

Specifically, the functions of the Unit include the following:

1. Dissemination of credible, timely, high-quality data and policy transparency to investors, analysts, and bankers.
2. Provide a direct channel of feedback between creditors and other stakeholders and the National Treasury management
3. Managing communication with credit rating agencies during the rating assignment.
4. Control the positioning of credit profile in the domestic, regional, and international press
5. Maintaining and improving contact with domestic and international investors
6. Coordinate investor conference calls including deal and non-deal road shows
7. Prepare Investor presentation and ensure they are available on the IRU website

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