Frequently Asked Questions

It’s an Investor Relations office established with an objective of providing transparent, accurate and timely data on Government’s debt and other relevant information to investors and other stakeholders

The IRU aims at disseminating of market-relevant data; Engaging creditors and other stakeholders directly; Managing communication with credit rating agencies and undertaking – Media communications campaigns on public debt and borrowing.

The Central Bank of Kenya acts as the fiscal agent of the National Treasury and releases information on weekly basis on the various domestic debt auctions on. This can be accessed through www.centralbank.go.ke

The National Government debt is paid from the consolidated fund and is a first charge in the consolidated. The expected debt maturities is projected every year and is approved by National Assembly as part of the national budget estimates

The available investment opportunities in Kenya is published by the Kenya Investment Authority (KenInvest) and can be found at www.invest.go.ke

The Government borrows to finance public spending as per the annual budget deficit according the budget deficit identified in the Budget Policy Statement.

The general public can buy Government debt as retail lenders and also financial intermediaries or institutions can buy as wholesale lenders. The market of issue will be indicated and can be, both domestic and international markets.

The National Government borrows through issuance of Treasury Bills, Treasury Bonds, concessional lending from multilateral and bilateral development partners and through issuance of bonds in the International Securities markets.

The National Budget is prepared against the fiscal framework as set out in the Budget Policy Statement approved by National Assembly every February of each year. Ministries, Departments and Agencies have to adhere to the ceilings approved in the BPS. For the National Treasury to ensure this, foreign financed budget during supplementary budget is reviewed against absorption rates. Projects with low capacity to absorb funds will be revised downwards to provide fiscal space to other programmes which require resources and have capacity to implement faster, while maintaining the approved fiscal framework in the BPS.

National Government debt comprises of domestic debt, commercial loans and concessional loans as well as the Eurobonds.

The National Treasury and Public Debt Management website has wide variety of information in regards to public borrowing and debt

Prudent management of public debt is critical for macroeconomic stability and sustainable development. To avoid debt crisis, government ensures that debt is well managed so we avoid  debt trap, financial crisis and price instability.

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