Coordination Principles

Coordination Principles

Country Ownership

Partner countries have the primary responsibility for their own economic and social development and the role of national policies and development strategies. Stronger leadership and ownership is critical for implementation national development agenda. Development cooperation should be aligned to Kenya’s the Vision 2030, the subsequent Medium Term Plans, the “Big Four Agenda” to achieve national development goals. Donor engagement in Kenya is guided by the development principles which have been integrated in the second Medium Term Plan and the Kenya External Resource Policy. In addition, the Government of Kenya (GoK)  hosts stakeholder forums at different levels for better partnerships and coordination.

Focus on Results

Development Cooperation is focused on results and supports the achievement of the national development goals and Sustainable Development Goals. National investments and efforts must have a lasting impact on eradicating poverty and reducing inequality through sustainable development. All Stakeholders’ efforts should enhance the Government’s capacity, strengthen the country-level results frameworks and national statistical systems, and must align with the national priorities.

Transparency and Mutual Accountability

Mutual accountability to each other and accountability to the intended beneficiaries of our cooperation, as well as to our respective citizens, organizations, constituents and shareholders, is critical to delivering results. Transparent practices form the basis for enhanced accountability.

Inclusive Development Partnerships

Openness, trust, mutual respect, and learning lie at the core of effective partnerships in support of development goals, recognizing the different and complementary roles of all actors. The Government has ensured inclusive participation and engagement of the Parliament, Bilateral and Multilateral Organizations, Private Sector, Civil Society, and Foundations in the development effectiveness agenda.

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